- Luminous Echoes / Ripples 2
Listen to the sound of waves within you.
Cymatics (saɪˈmætɪks) -
1. physics the study of wave phenomena, esp sound, and their visual representations
2. a therapy in which sound waves are directed at the body with the aim of promoting health
Luminous Echoes / Ripples 2 is a sonic journey, a study of sound and vibration materialized into imagery. The term guiding this exploration is "Cymatics," derived from the ancient Greek word "κῦμα" meaning "wave." Cymatics unveils the mesmerizing world of modal vibrational phenomena, typically observed on the surface of a plate, diaphragm, or membrane.
In this ongoing series, my artistic focus extends beyond audible frequencies, delving into the realm of lower vibrations, below 20 GHz. Drawing inspiration from the healing traditions embedded in low-frequency sound vibrations—reminiscent of the ancient practices such as low om chanting in Eastern cultures and the resonant chants of Georgian monks — I reflect on their potential positive impact on the human mind and the resulting mental states they evoke.
In addition to the artistic perspective, scientific research supports the profound influence of sound on the human mind. Studies reveal that exposure to low-frequency noises can both increase annoyance levels and reduce mental well-being.
Luminous Echoes / Ripples 2 deploys a fusion of science and art, where visible sound serves as a catalyst for exploration, healing, and a harmonious connection between the human mind and the vibrational cosmos.

In this ongoing series, my artistic focus extends beyond audible frequencies, delving into the realm of lower vibrations, below 20 GHz. Drawing inspiration from the healing traditions embedded in low-frequency sound vibrations—reminiscent of the ancient practices such as low om chanting in Eastern cultures and the resonant chants of Georgian monks — I reflect on their potential positive impact on the human mind and the resulting mental states they evoke.
In addition to the artistic perspective, scientific research supports the profound influence of sound on the human mind. Studies reveal that exposure to low-frequency noises can both increase annoyance levels and reduce mental well-being.
Luminous Echoes / Ripples 2 deploys a fusion of science and art, where visible sound serves as a catalyst for exploration, healing, and a harmonious connection between the human mind and the vibrational cosmos.