
From Bardo // Photographic print on transparent film,
Loch Voil, 2015
An ongoing project, inspired by the concept of Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism, intermediary moment, that fleeting and elusive space that lies between birth and death, growth and decay, and light and dark. Having inicially emerging as a photographic in its traditional, lens based form, this body of work includes lumen prints and in its current incornation also photograms. Kazannik seeks to capture the ephemeral nature of these liminal spaces, where light and dark, life and death, and growth and decay coexist in a delicate balance.

Drawing inspiration from the Bardo Thödol and the rich tradition of Buddhist thought, Kazannik work reflects a deep fascination with the mysteries of life and death, and the potential for transformation and growth that lies within them and invites us to contemplate on emotions and meanings that these in-between moments evoke, from joy and wonder to grief and uncertainty.

Incorporating both straight-forward photography and lumen prints, this series is a dialogue between traditional and alternative photographic processes. It invites viewers to contemplate on the infinite potential for transformation and growth that lies within us all withing this lifetime.

Frpom Bardo // Photogram on B&W phographic paper,
Berlin, 2021